Dog Health Advice: Fur Isn't Such a Good Sunscreen

Written by Joel Walsh

You might thinkrepparttar 150315 most important bit of dog health advice would be to let your furry loved on spend all day enjoyingrepparttar 150316 outdoors. But you'd only be half-right.

You know we must protect our children and ourselves and fromrepparttar 150317 sun. But do you know that leading canine health experts now say thatrepparttar 150318 most important dog health advice they can give is to protect your dog fromrepparttar 150319 sun, too?

Dog Health Advice: Identifying Dog Sunburn

Like us humans, dogs need sunlight to help balance their bodies’ levels of calcium with their metabolism.

Yet too much ultraviolet radiation can irritate our dogs’ skin as it does our own, causing sunburn.

Identifying Dog Sunburn

Dog sunburn begins as redness and hair loss.

Where sunburn first appears

  • bridge ofrepparttar 150320 nose
  • tips ofrepparttar 150321 ears
  • belly

Dog Sunburn Dangers

  • aggravates any existing skin problems
  • skin ulcers (sores)
  • infection
  • cancer

Sunburn and Dog Breed

Pale and short-hair dogs are particularly prone to sunburn, usually onrepparttar 150322 nose, abdomen, groin, and inside ofrepparttar 150323 legs. Being close torepparttar 150324 ground, they not only are affected byrepparttar 150325 downward sunlight, but also by sun reflecting up from pavement or hot sand.

Pet Retailing- It’s now more than dog food, it’s fashion retailing

Written by John Stanley

In previous articles I’ve often written aboutrepparttar trend towards lifestyle retailing. This is reflected in trends inrepparttar 150170 garden and home improvement industries. But, one ofrepparttar 150171 most dramatic shifts comes fromrepparttar 150172 pet industry, which is going through dramatic changes.

Why Pets? Pets aren’t pets anymore, for many people, they are “child” substitutes. In countries such as China and Japan pets are actually replacingrepparttar 150173 child due to government directives to encourage smaller families.

Inrepparttar 150174 west ‘Generation X’ are starting families later in life to enable them to develop their careers, whilst baby boomers are learning to cope with empty nests. The result is bothrepparttar 150175 west and east is seeingrepparttar 150176 same, a pet boom to replace children. This means thatrepparttar 150177 traditional pet store is finding it’s increasingly difficult to understandrepparttar 150178 desires ofrepparttar 150179 modern pet owner and, as in other retail sectors, traditional retailers are being squeezed out ofrepparttar 150180 market place by global pet supermarkets and niche lifestyle pet stores who are readingrepparttar 150181 market differently. I recently conducted a retail workshop in Dubai, for retailers from aroundrepparttar 150182 Middle East. The Dubai retail scheme is always interesting, throwing up leading edge ideas for those interested in retail trends.

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